Mexican Laws in English
NOM-007-SCT-2-2010, Markings on containers and packages designated for the transport of hazardous substances and wastes.
Published in the DOF Sept. 6, 2010
This Standard is under the oversight of the SCT - Secretary of Communications and Transportation

LAW, REGULATION, OR NOM - what is the difference?  

NOTIFICATION:  The NOM-007-SCT-2-2022, Provisions related to the construction, UN marking and testing of packaging/containers, intermediate bulk containers (IBC) and large packaging/containers intended for the transport of hazardous goods, was published December 1, 2022 and takes full effect on April 29, 2023 - it cancels NOM-007-SCT-2-2010, NOM-024-SCT2-2010, and NOM-029-SCT-2-2011

NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-007-SCT2/2010, Marcado de envases y embalajes destinados al transporte de substancias y residuos peligrosos.

Official Mexican Standard NOM-007-SCT-2-2010, Markings on containers and packages designated for the transport of hazardous substances and wastes.



1.         Objetivo

1.               Objective

2.         Campo de aplicación

2.               Scope

3.         Referencias

3.               References

4.         Definiciones

4.               Definitions

5.         Especificaciones para el marcado de los envases y embalajes

5.               Specifications for the marking of containers and packaging

6.         Bibliografía

6.               Bibliography

7.         Concordancia con normas o lineamientos internacionales

7.               Agreement with international standards or guidelines

8.         Observancia

8.               Observance

9.         Vigilancia

9.               Oversight

10.       Evaluación de la conformidad

10              Evaluation of conformity

11.       Vigencia

11.               Validity

12.       Transitorio

12               Transitional Article

1. Objetivo

1. Objective

La presente Norma Oficial Mexicana, tiene como objetivo establecer las características y especificaciones que se deben cumplir para el marcado de los envases y embalajes destinados al transporte de substancias, materiales y residuos peligrosos que transitan en las vías generales de comunicación de jurisdicción federal.

This Official Mexican Standard has the objective of establishing the characteristics and specifications that must be met for the marking of containers and packaging intended for the transport of hazardous substances, materials and wastes that pass through the general communication channels under federal jurisdiction.



$832.50 PESOS



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